Portulaca (Cell Pack)
Instore Only, Visit store for details
Regular price$14.50
6 Packs (6 plants) or can be sold as a set of 3 (18 plants) in a tray.
Product Description:
Is a hardy carefree plant that loves the heat so don’t hold back on sunshine. Its good looks can be compared to beautiful roses. You’ll see that bees and butterflies come near to enjoy its presence. It loves a beachfront view with a bit of salt and is comfortable in your garden or hanging. Enjoys well-draining soil that is loose.
Product Details
- Size: Cell Pack
- Light: Full Sun
- Watering: Once/week do deep watering in hot summer. Overall it can withstand low moisture from time to time.
- Feeding: Balanced slow-release fertilizer upon planting and twice with phosphorus to support growth
- Skill Level: Beginner